Solve a Drawing Puzzle with Zac Rybacki
Learn countless bits of drawing technique and creative wisdom, including a reminder that fixing mistakes takes courage but is always worth it.

Before his pencil touches paper, portrait artist Zac Rybacki spends a few minutes looking deeply at his subject.
"I think about the face as a topographical map to help me fit this puzzle of features together," he says. "The more time I spend studying my reference, the more subtle indicators I see."

Once he's ready to draw, Zac starts loose, slowly pulling the shapes of the face out of a "fog of tonality."

In this lesson (82 mins), Zac guides you through his patient, peaceful process of drawing a pencil portrait of a striking muse.
Along the way, he shares countless bits of drawing technique and creative wisdom, including a reminder that fixing mistakes takes courage but is always worth it.
Ready to solve a drawing puzzle with Zach? Let's get started!