Draw Like a 'Downhill Skier' with Ink Illustrator George Cwirko Godycki
"I think of direct drawing like skiing downhill, and I'm trying to avoid hitting trees, " says artist George Cwirko Godycki.

"I think of direct drawing like skiing downhill, and I'm trying to avoid hitting trees," says artist George Cwirko Godycki. "I know that gravity's going to make me go down that hill as long as I don't fall over."

"It's really fun to think of drawing this way, to take the pressure off," says George. "Whatever comes out, it's going to be good, and I'll fix things as I go."
In this lesson (69 mins), George shares his process of drawing a portrait in ink with no preliminary sketch, aka, direct drawing.

Narrating from start to finish, George demonstrates how to build form through crosshatching...

...draw hair by employing varying line widths...

...and add highlights and texture to your ink drawings with Wite-Out and marker.
He also shares a list of illustrators who have inspired him through his decades of drawing.
Ready to "ski" with George? Let's get started!